When you hear the unique drone of the bagpipe it is easy to think of the British Isles and that is where we will go today. The Washington DC Regional Police Pipe Band is a local institution that marches at Scottish and Celtic events around the metropolitan area. This is yet another example how something so different can open up students' eyes to cultural, historical and geographic influences on the way people live in different areas. The bagpipe was perhaps a cultural relic of the Roman Empire that was brought to Scotland or should we say just south of Hadrian's Wall. Once the Scots developed the bagpipe into a more sophisticated instrument it became a hallmark on the battle field due to the fact that it could be heard over the din of war. In fact the bagpipe was considered an instrument of war and outlawed by the British Crown at one point as a way to suppress Scottish independence sympathies.
So there you have a little cultural history based on one instrument! So now how do you make this into a field trip? Well one way is to have the bagpipe come to you. Contact the Police Pipe Band and schedule a band, mini band or an individual to come to your school for an assembly or classroom presentation. Students would not only be able to listen to the bagpipes but also ask questions and maybe even get to touch the bagpipe.
Contact Info: Email Chris Jackson
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