If you add in a tour of the gardens then it might make more sense to fit this in to an English focus of study. The great thing about this place is that it also connects to medieval history too so imagine visiting the catacombs or taking photographs around the Cathedral to help with an in-class story book that you are making about life in medieval Europe. You could have a lot of fun with this place if you get out of the traditional tours or thinking that this is only a church.
Back to the Cathedral...it is a beautiful place and should definitely be incorporated into a study of Europe/medieval history. They do ask for $5 for each visitor if given a formal tour but if you take a smaller group (10-15 students) and do not go on a formal tour you may be able to go for free. Just remember to always have plenty of chaperons, activities and that you have prepped students how to behave in a cathedral.
Contact Info:
Washington National Cathedral
Massachusetts and Wisconsin Avenues, NW
Washington, DC 20016-5098
Telephone: (202) 537-6200
Fax: (202) 364-6600
British Embassy
3100 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest
Washington, DC 20008
(202) 588-6500
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