There is also another general reason to go to the Textile Museum and that is because of their planned trips for classes. Here is a description from their field trip brochure of a trip that I think ties in beautifully with the spirit of this blog:
Explore the World Through Textiles Grades 5 – 12
Students discover the numerous and sometimes surprising
ways that textiles are used in everyday life by exploring
fashion from Japan, textiles from India and other objects
from around the world. Participants learn how the maker’s
choices of fiber, structure, pattern, and color reflect the
diversity of cultures.
What a great trip! Make sure that you reserve your trip four weeks prior to your date and also visit the museum ahead of time. There are preview tours that they offer for teachers free of charge.
Contact Info:
The Textile Museum
2320 S Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008-4088
To schedule a school tour, please call (202) 667-0441, ext 65
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