Thursday, June 3, 2010

Field Trip #3: Trinidadian Local Flavors

Crown Bakery
Originally uploaded by cromagnuson
Since I have started on this 80 field trip journey my eyes are now seeing more possibilities along Georgia Avenue. Food is definitely the gateway to culture and that is true at Crown Bakery just a few blocks south of Paul PCS. This is a local bakery that makes all items in-house. Coconut bread, Currant Rolls, Hot Doubles and cold Apple-J soda all guarantee a taste of Trinidad within a 15 minute walk of our school.

I met with Trevor and Jennifer Selman and we talked about what a field trip to Crown Bakery would entail. We would start with a tour of the kitchen and see items being made as well as tasting a final product. We then would head downstairs to talk more about the diverse influences that have shaped Trinidad's cuisine. Jennifer mentioned how diverse cultures have added spices, techniques and ingredients to the mix and I started seeing how a short trip to Crown Bakery could not only fit into a unit on the Caribbean but also a larger picture of cultural diffusion and immigration.

We will have to do some decent prep work before coming to this bakery. Students will need to have an understanding of Trinidad's history and the different groups of people who have moved there over the years so that they can understand the different influences they will see in the cooking and baked goods. This will be low-cost since we will be walking and also because we can pick up pastries or patties for around $2. Great deal!

Another thing to remember is that June is "Caribbean Heritage Month" and the DC Carnival is towards the end the month. We could contact some of the carnival performers to come to school as they are preparing for the big party each year! Maybe that will be turned into an annual Caribbean culture celebration at school. We will have to be working on that and getting contacts this summer to pull it off next year. .

Contact Information:
Trevor Selman & Jennifer Selman
Crown Bakery
5409 Georgia Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20011
(202) 291-3009

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