Saturday, June 19, 2010

Field Trip # 19: Islam in Indonesia

Just down the street from the Indonesian Embassy you will find the Islamic Center and it is a great place to go afterward because Indonesia is most populated Muslim nation on Earth. So after playing some traditional music why not head to the Islamic Center to learn more about the religion that has a great influence on Indonesian culture.

The Islamic Center is a great resource because not only is it absolutely spectacular in its architecture, furnishing and styling but it is an open center that enables students to ask questions and learn about Islam first hand. You will have to schedule a visit with Brother Abbassie Koroma because you will want him to welcome you and to give you a brief overview of Islam and its tenets. You will be welcome to also stay for call to prayer and to see worshipers enter to pray. Boys and girls will be asked to separate but everyone will stay in the same main room together seated on the carpet in separate groups. Girls will be asked to cover their heads, arms and legs and everyone will be asked to take off shoes. this is a spectaular building and Brother Abbassie Koroma is so welcoming that you will find the students asking a million questions. It does help to put in the pre-trip work so that students come to the center with a working knowledge of Islam. Brother Abbassie Koroma has an accent from Sierra Leone that sometimes trips students up but he does a great job clarifying things and answering all questions.

On a side note one group from my school had the opportunity to eat at the Islamic Center since they do serve meals on a daily basis for free. You will want to check this out as you register your group. If you want to continue your Indonesian day then walk back towards Dupont Circle for a stop off at Singapore Cafe which offers some great Indonesian delectables like Gado Gado.

Contact Info:
The Islamic Center
2551 Massachusetts Avenue N.W.
Washington, DC 20008
Tel: (202) 332-8343 • Fax: (202) 234 - 5035
Email: Brother Abbassie Koroma at

Singapore Bistro
1134 19th Street NW
Washington DC


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